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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting Sky Angkor Airlines website. We respect and commit to safeguarding your private information. Please read the Privacy Policy below to better understand our commitments to respecting and safeguarding the interests of our website visitors.
This policy applies to all personal information that you provide while working with us. It also applies to all information about you that is provided to us by another person, such as a travel agent.

1. Purpose and scope of collection pose and scope of collection

  • The types of personal information we collect from you depend on the situations and service types you request us to provide. For example, we collect details such as full name, address, flight and other travel information, credit/debit card number and expiration date, billing address, phone numbers, membership details of loyalty program and health issues related to your travel arrangements.
  • We may collect your personal information when you work with us via phone, mail (whether by mail, fax or email), by visiting our website or by directly meeting us. In some cases, we may collect your information from a third party, i.e., a travel agent or transport agent; from such third parties as telephone sales companies which gather your personal information and disclose it to us so that we could issue tickets for you and implement as well as complete your travel arrangements or introduce our products and services to you; from other service providers which collect information on our behalf.

2. Scope of Information Usage

  • We collect your personal information for the following purposes: to arrange your travel and transportation as well as other transactions; to create favorable conditions for you to participate in loyalty programs of other organizations; and to implement marketing and market research activities.
  • Some of the personal information that we collect will be very necessary for us to determine exactly who is using the service. Other types of personal information that we collect will help us to make a profile of who is using our services and identify their needs.

3. Policies on cookies

(1) What are cookies

They are very small text files that the server used for the operation of the website sends to the browser of the data owner. It is saved on the computer of the data owner.

(2) Purpose

Cookies are used to save and recall information on the user to provide more personalized services. If the data owner visits a website, the server of the website reads the content of the cookies stored on the device to offer tailored services and maintain the user’s setting. Cookies help with access and convenient use of the website when the data owner visits the website. In addition, they are used to provide tailored information such as optimized ads based on the website visit records and usage patterns.

(3) Denial of consent to cookies collection

Personally identifiable data such as names or phone numbers are not stored in cookies. The data owner has the choice on whether to install cookies. Therefore, data owners may use the web browser setting to allow cookies, or go through confirmation whenever cookies are stored, or deny the storage of cookies. However, if the installation of cookies is rejected, you may experience inconveniences in using the web, and may be restricted from using certain services where login is required.

(4) Example of how cookies are installed

  • on Internet Explorer : Tools in the menu tab > Internet options > Personal information > Settings
  • For Chrome : Settings menu on the right > Advanced settings in the bottom of the screen > Content settings for personal information > Cookies

4. Information Retention Period

The Clients’ personal information will be destroyed when the purpose of using the communication channel is achieved during online room reservation consultation or reservation re-check. However, exceptions are made when it is necessary to preserve it in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations such as the Commercial Act.
If it is necessary to hold it for a certain period due to the confirmation of the rights and obligations related to the transaction, despite the principle of immediate destruction when achieving the above personal information collection purpose, the retention period and usage period shall be specified in advance and your consent shall be obtained.

  • Where it is necessary to preserve it as a basis in a lawsuit or dispute: 10 years
  • Consent has been obtained for continuous service delivery after completion of flight reservation: 3 years

In the event of requesting access to transaction information, etc. held with your consent, " Sky Angkor Airlines " allows access without delay.

5. Address of Personal Information Collector and Controller

Sky Angkor Airlines


5th Floor No.1679 Russian Boulevard Phum Tangoun 2 Sangkat Kakab 1 Khan Por Senchey Phnom Penh

Call Center Number

+855 23 234 567

+855 95 279 595 (Hotline Service on Saturday, Sunday)



6. Means and Tools for Users to Access and Edit Their Personal Data

  • We allow you to access your information that we are holding on request, including for the purpose of editing or updating such information, unless regulated otherwise by Privacy Policy. We may charge you reasonable fees for providing you access to this information. Your requests for access to this information will be processed in a timely manner. If we decline your access to this information, we will provide the reasons for refusal and inform you of any exceptions under the Privacy Policy.
  • For receiving newsletters, clients may unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time. There is a link at the end of each newsletter (bottom of the page) that leads to our website. Users can unsubscribe from all newsletters or can manage their newsletter data, such as changing email address or language. Clients can also choose different types of newsletters.

7. Commitment to Protecting Clients’ Personal Information

  • We may disclose your personal information to third parties, such as contractors who contract with us for certain services, other carriers, freight and travel service providers, data processing companies (including those managing global distribution system and payment system) which serve the purpose for which the information is collected or for related purposes, such as to represent you in completing a transaction or provide you with the service that you request.
  • We may also disclose your personal information to various law enforcement agencies and governments around the world for security, customs and immigration purposes. We hire third party contractors to perform our services, including a contractor which processes the personal information that we hold. For example, to provide mail and email processing services; provide electronic funds transfer services, process credit card accounts and related services; manage call center; manage several sales functions and completing travel for the company; conduct market research; provide meals on the plane; provide ground services, such as agents which carry out procedures, freight and special assistance; and assist getting payments from creditors.
  • In these cases, we will strictly prohibit third party contractors from using your personal information except for the specific purpose for which we provide your personal information.
  • In addition, we will not disclose your personal information without your consent unless the disclosure is necessary to prevent a threat to your life or health or is allowed or regulated by the laws, is reasonably necessary to enforce the law or to inspect a suspected criminal activity.
  • If you would like to access your personal information, make a complaint about the violation of your privacy or have any questions about how we collect or use your personal information, please send your requests, complaints or questions to the following address. We will respond to your questions or complaints as soon as possible.


5th Floor No.1679 Russian Boulevard Phum Tangoun 2 Sangkat Kakab 1 Khan Por Senchey Phnom Penh

Call Center Number

+855 23 217 130

+855 23 234 567

+855 95 279 595 (Hotline Service on Saturday, Sunday)



8. Changes to Privacy Policy

We may amend this Privacy Policy as required by our work or in accordance with changes in laws. Any changes to this Policy will be updated on this website, so please visit periodically to ensure that you get the latest statement of our Privacy Policy.

9. Data Use and Sharing

(a) Unless otherwise permitted by law, you may not use, transmit, or share someone’s personal data without first obtaining their permission. You must provide access to information about how and where the data will be used. Data collected from apps may only be shared with third parties to improve the app or serve advertising. You must receive explicit permission from users via the App Tracking Transparency APIs to track their activity. Learn more about tracking. Apps that share user data without user consent or otherwise complying with data privacy laws may be removed from sale and may result in your removal from the Apple Developer Program.

(b) Data collected for one purpose may not be repurposed without further consent unless otherwise explicitly permitted by law.

(c) Apps should not attempt to surreptitiously build a user profile based on collected data and may not attempt, facilitate, or encourage others to identify anonymous users or reconstruct user profiles based on data collected from Apple-provided APIs or any data that you say has been collected in an “anonymized,” “aggregated,” or otherwise non-identifiable way.

(d) Do not use information from Contacts, Photos, or other APIs that access user data to build a contact database for your own use or for sale/distribution to third parties, and don’t collect information about which other apps are installed on a user’s device for the purposes of analytics or advertising/marketing.

(e) Do not contact people using information collected via a user’s Contacts or Photos, except at the explicit initiative of that user on an individualized basis; do not include a Select All option or default the selection of all contacts. You must provide the user with a clear description of how the message will appear to the recipient before sending it (e.g. What will the message say? Who will appear to be the sender?).

(f) Data gathered from the HomeKit API, HealthKit, Clinical Health Records API, MovementDisorder APIs, ClassKit or from depth and/or facial mapping tools (e.g. ARKit, Camera APIs, or Photo APIs) may not be used for marketing, advertising or use-based data mining, including by third parties. Learn more about best practices for implementing CallKit, HealthKit, ClassKit, and ARKit.